Lower Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

pain during

A large number of women suffer from lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. Find out what are the causes and symptoms, to be better prepared for your pregnancy.

Every woman dreams of the day when she will be a mother. It’s her chance to bring into this world a miracle called life. As a would-be-mother, its natural for you to be overwhelmed about your pregnancy. During the course of pregnancy, there is much to learn so that, you can bring into this world a bundle full of joy to love and raise. Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy, is one of the complication that may arise that the most crucial time in your life. A little ache in the stomach, during pregnancy is alright, but extreme pangs of pain for a prolonged time can be a scary situation. Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur in the early as well as in the later part of pregnancy. There are couple of causes that cause lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. However, if there is continuous and debilitating consulting, your gynecologist is advisable, instead of waiting for some home remedy to work.

Causes of Lower Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

The reasons for lower abdominal pain during pregnancy are many. The pain can be an occasional one, to intimate you that your uterus is expanding to carry the baby. If the pain is accompanied with fever, chills, spotting and bleeding, then it’s a sure sign of calling the doctor.

Ectopic Pregnancy

The rate of ectopic pregnancy is one in 50 pregnancies. When the egg implants outside the uterus, it’s known as ectopic pregnancy. Normally, before the egg reaches the uterus, it travels down the fallopian tube. However, if the tube is damaged or blocked, the egg does not have to reach the womb, and settles or implants itself in tube. Hence, ectopic pregnancies are also called as tubal pregnancies. Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur, if the case is of ectopic pregnancy. Spotting, abdominal pain, tenderness, back pain, shoulder pain, dizziness and faintness are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.


The first sign of miscarriage is bleeding. It can be heavy bleeding or light bleeding. Lower abdominal pain will follow if it’s a miscarriage, with intensifying menstrual cramps. This is a very serious problem and the signs and symptoms should not be ignored. The moment you feel something is wrong get in touch with your doctor.

Preterm Labor

abdominal pain

In order to carry the fetus, your uterus needs to expand. Some women may experience lower abdominal pain during pregnancy as a sign of your expanding uterus. However, it may also be a sign of preterm labor. The sign of a preterm labor is a bloody mucous like discharge and cramping in the lower back.


Expecting mothers are at a high risk of developing urinary tract infections(UTI). Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur due to UTI as well. The other signs of UTI are irritation and burning sensations while urination.

Round Ligament Pain

The body reacts to the changes that take while preparing you to nurture the baby in your womb for 9 months. Early abdominal pain during pregnancy is also a result of round ligament pain. Round ligament pain causes discomfort, but is a normal pain during pregnancy.

Several would-be mothers, go through lower abdominal pain during early pregnancy. There is no need to panic unless the signs and symptoms tell you too. Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy can be treated and dealt with, if you co-operate with your doctor. Gases and constipation are also the reasons for abdominal pain during pregnancy. When in doubt, make an immediate contact with your doctor, so that you can put your tensions to ease and have the happiest pregnancy ever! Take care and lots of luck for you and your baby!

abdominal pain during pregnancy

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